Insuring Your Teenager: Tips And Tricks For Saving Money

Insuring Your Teenager: Tips And Tricks For Saving Money

If you have a teen that is learning to drive in Oklahoma, it is time to start preparing your budget for a large car insurance rate increase!  Since teenage drivers are more difficult to insure adding a one to your policy typically increases the bill by 44 percent and sometimes even more!  Even those with a clean driving record, will face higher car insurance rates for many years only due to their lack of experience behind the wheel. Here are some helpful tips to think about while shopping around for coverage. 

  • Drivers Education - Having your child take a Driver’s Education course often provides an insurance discount for teen drivers.  It will also give them the confidence and knowledge they need to hopefully stay accident free.
  • Deductible - Increasing your deductible is always an effective way to reduce your insurance rates, but make sure you choose a deductible that you can afford. 
  • Grades in School - If your son or daughter maintains a good grade point average in school, be sure to ask if your car insurance company offers a good student discount. Requiring top grades as a part of their responsibility as a driver is a great idea, for them and your bank account!
  • Safety Features - If you will be adding a car to your household specifically for the teen to drive, look for a car with safety features that may lead to low car insurance quotes (anti-theft devices/anti-lock brakes/monitoring device)
  • Always Shop Around - finding the best deal with all major purchases involves shopping around!  Be sure to get quotes from several companies before adding your teen driver will save you time and money.
  • Stay Accident Free -The number one way to keep your insurance rates down and your teenager safe is to require safe driving practices!   This may include implementing rules on when your teen can drive and the number of passengers they can have in the car. 

Teaching your Oklahoma teen that driving is a privilege, not a right, as new drivers will hopefully keep them safe through all their driving years.