You have the proper auto insurance in place, now do you know what to do after an accident? Obviously, no one ever wants to be in an accident but be prepared is the first line of defense. Having the proper auto insurance coverage in place will give you peace of mind and then knowing what to do after an accident will help you be more prepared.
Immediately after the accident, check to see if anyone is injured and if so, call 911 right away. Next, try to stay calm and get to safety. If the vehicle is safe to drive, pull it to the side of the road to prevent causing a traffic hazard.
Avoid discussing who is at fault & just focus on documentation. Make sure to exchange information with all parties involved including addresses, phone numbers, email, vehicle information, plate numbers and insurance information. Taking pictures with your phone may also be very useful at a later date.
Finally, inform your insurance company you were involved in an accident. Your agent can then give you the next steps on claim information and other details. Here at All American Insurance, we are here to help you through this stressful situation, so let us know if you need any help after your accident.